Liebster Award

Thank you very much waywordness for the nomination!


The rules: once you have received the award thank the nominator, answer their 11 questions and ask 11 questions to 11 other bloggers.

More detailed instructions here

Here I go!

How could you describe yourself in 5 words?

Thoughtful, shy, hardworking, creative and ambitious.
・What are you grateful for?

I am most grateful for my circumstances. I wouldn’t say that my family is rich, but in comparison to a significant amount of people I am very privileged to live in a nice home in a safe town, with a good education and a group of close friends. Getting caught up in my daily life often makes me forget how lucky I am.
・Have you made any recent acts of kindness?

I helped out at my grandparents’ charity event a few weeks ago. I washed about fifty sets of teacups, saucers and plates that day!

When I was walking down the stairs to get off a bus, I noticed that a woman had left her umbrella, so I picked it up and gave it to her. It was lovely to see how happy she was from such a small act of kindness.

・How did you discover your love of writing?

I always had a very active imagination when I was little. I also began to enjoy reading from a young age. Watching these writers develop their initial thoughts into plots inspired me to do the same. I wrote lots of (very, very awful )stories and even more half-finished stories until I learned more about planning a story.

Then, when we learned about poetry in primary school, I remember thinking I want to do that! So I taught myself how to rhyme, how to count syllables to fit them into a structure and from then on, I have always loved and written poetry.

・Your favorite number?

Probably two. I don’t know why. But here’s a strange fact about me; I don’t like it when the volume on the TV is an odd number except for multiples of five. I know I’m not crazy because I’m not the only one who does this!

I like seven because it’s like the underdog of numbers. Everyone forgets about seven. So, seven gets a pity vote.
・Book title best describing your life?

Right now… probably ‘The Perks of being a Wallflower’. There a lot of reasons it doesn’t really describe my life. 1) I’m not a boy and 2) I’m not American, 3) I haven’t got a gay best friend and 4) Unfortunately, I don’t get to drive down a motorway at 100 miles per hour and feel infinite. But I am a bit of a wallflower. And I like listening to Asleep by The Smiths. I understand Charlie, and the way he struggles to take part in life. I have been through things, though I am thankful enough to say they weren’t on the scale of what happened to Charlie, which made me feel the anger and pain Charlie felt. I don’t have a best friend like Sam, who I am in love with, which is the biggest difference. Though I have felt the hurt of unrequited love, plenty of times.
・What bad habits do you want to ditch?

Stop mumbling, stop hunching and smile more! (I think I may suffer from resting bitch face…)
・If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you want to run into?

That’s a hard one. Do I go for family, friends or love? Probably my best friend Ellie, because I know that she and her family will help me no matter what.

・Is there another word for synonym?

Yes! Metonym! Kind of…
・Do you write every day?

To be honest, no, I don’t. I write almost every day, and I try my best to write each day, though. Some days I am so bogged down in work that my mind can’t seem to think past the facts or the vocabulary I had been memorizing. But it is a goal of mine to try to write every day.
・Who are your favorite authors?

John Green

E.M Forster

J. D Salinger

Veronica Roth

Charlotte Bronte

Stephen Chbosky

Suzanne Collins

David Levithan

Jane Austen

Thomas Hardy

Charles Dickens

They are all I can think of right now!

I nominate:

My questions…

  1. What is your biggest inspiration to write/blog?
  2. What are your goals for the next year, or further into the future?
  3. What is your best quality?
  4. What is your worst habit or trait?
  5. How do you cope when you feel stressed or down?
  6. What kind of music do you like?
  7. How long have you been blogging and what have you achieved since then?
  8. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? Or would you stay where you are now?
  9. Who are your favourite writers?
  10. Do you speak any languages other than English? If not, which language would you like to learn?
  11. Who will always cheer you up when you’re down?

13 thoughts on “Liebster Award

  1. Pingback: Liebster Award – Makes Me Happy | Wendy Vitols